July 1, 1981

My Fascination for Aircraft

In 1981 when I was 5 years old, I used to watch with awe the passenger planes, fighter jets and helicopters which used to land and take off from the runway seen below. It belonged to Srinagar Airport and the Air Force Station for which my father was the medical officer. My school was not far from there and was associated with the Air Force Station. During the classes I used to run out to see the aircraft as soon as I heard them. My teachers were really nice and did not mind. I guess being the medical officer's son also helped in getting away with my behaviour. During the lunch break I used to walk upto my father's office, have lunch with him and then see a few planes standing right next to this runway -

In the years that followed, I managed to get a degree in Aerospace Engineering and saw a variety of aircraft in airshows and museums and also some spacecrafts.

Aircraft And Spacecraft Slideshow: Ramakant’s trip to 8 cities New York, Washington D.C., München, Seoul, Traverse City, Kalamazoo, Speyer and Sinsheim was created with TripAdvisor TripWow!

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